Sylvicapra grimmia, The duiker, also called the gray duiker, is found throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa. This species, like all duikers, is an herbivorous browser feeding on a variety of leaves, berries and roots. Only male duikers possess horns, which are used in defending territory and when sparing for mates.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Bovidae Origin: Africa
*Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) Average Horn Length: 5.1
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Archaeopteryx lithographica.,Archaeopteryx, sometimes referred to by its German name Urvogel ("original bird" or "first bird"), is the earliest and most primitive bird known. The name is from the Ancient Greek meaning "feather" or "wing". Archaeopteryx lived in the late Jurassic Period around 150–145 million years ago, in what is now southern Germany during a time when Europe was an archipelago of islands in a shallow warm tropical sea, much closer to the equator than it is now. Similar in size and shape to a European Magpie, Archaeopteryx could grow to about 0.5 metres (1.6 ft) in length. Despite its small size, broad wings, and inferred ability to fly or glide, Archaeopteryx has more in common with small theropod dinosaurs than it does with modern birds. In particular, it shares the following features with the deinonychosaurs (dromaeosaurs and troodontids): jaws with sharp teeth, three fingers with claws, a long bony tail, hyperextensible second toes ("killing claw"), feathers (which also suggest homeothermy), and various skeletal features. The features above make Archaeopteryx the first clear candidate for a transitional fossil between dinosaurs and birds. The first complete specimen of Archaeopteryx was announced in 1861, only two years after Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species, and it became a key piece of evidence in the debate over evolution.
*Specifications: CLASS: Aves ORDER: Archaeopterygiformes FAMILY: Archaeopterygidae Origin: Solnhofen, Germany *
Skull Length: 5 cm (2.0 in)
Ice Age Walrus Skull Replica
Location: Alaska USA
Age: 50,000 Years, Pleistocene
Private specimen
24″H x 10″W
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Eusmilus Skull Replica with base
Scientific Name: Eusmilus sicarius
Location: South Dakota, USA
Formation: White River Member, Brule Formation
Age: Oligocene, 30 MYA
L 8”
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Alligator Gar Skull Replica of Atractosteus spatula. This primitive ray-finned fish can be found in most of the southeastern United States. Unlike other species of gar, when mature an alligator gar possesses a dual row of teeth in the upper jaw.
*Specifications: CLASS: Osteichthyes ORDER: Lepisosteiformes FAMILY: Lepisosteidae Origin: North America
15" x 6.5" x 4.5"
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