Caluromys sp., The woolly opossum, smaller than its North American relative, is an arboreal species dwelling in forests throughout Central and South America. They are omnivorous and will eat fruits, berries, insects, small vertebrates and carrion. This solitary species makes its home in hollowed trees and is said to use its prehensile tail to carry foliage for bedding. Once heavily trapped for its fur, the woolly possum is now of little economic importance. *
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Marsupialia: Didelphimorphia FAMILY: Didelphidae Origin: Central and South America.
*Skull Length: 5.5 cm (2.2 in)
Thylacinus cynocephalus., Now extinct, the Tasmanian wolf, also called the Tasmanian tiger, was once hunted as a pest throughout Tasmania and in parts of Australia. The last known wild specimen was shot in 1930. The last captive specimen died in 1936. Although the thylacine, a marsupial, is not a true wolf, it occupied much of the same predatory niche as modern wolves. When compared with the wolf, this species is an excellent example of convergent evolution. Other Names: "Tasmanian Tiger"
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Marsupialia: Dasyuromorphia FAMILY: Thylacinidae Origin: Tasmania
*Skull Length: 22 cm (8.7 in)
The first Australopithecus boisei specimen, originally named Zinjanthropus boisei, was discovered in 1959 by Mary Leaky at the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, Africa. A. boisei skulls have been found in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Kenya.
* Skull Length: 22.5 cm (8.9 in)
Bigfoot, also called Sasquatch, is believed to be a large ape-like hominid that inhabits various parts of North America. Despite the various photographs, films and eyewitness reports, this creature has yet to be proven to exist and is generally considered to be a legend. Until hard evidence surfaces, such as a carcass or captured animal, science will have to rely on the cast footprints as our only proof. These casts were acquired from a Bigfoot researcher and are said to be authentic.$36.03
Bigfoot, also called Sasquatch, is believed to be a large ape-like hominid that inhabits various parts of North America. Despite the various photographs, films and eyewitness reports, this creature has yet to be proven to exist and is generally considered to be a legend. Until hard evidence surfaces, such as a carcass or captured animal, science will have to rely on the cast footprints as our only proof. These casts were acquired from a Bigfoot researcher and are said to be authentic.$165.00
KNM ER 1813 - This small, but very complete skull was found at Koobi Fora, Kenya, in 1973 by Kamoya Kimeu. It dates back to 1.9 MYA and is considered an early member of the Homo genus. It's minute brain capacity, however, leads many to place it within the Australopithecus group.
*Specifications: CLASS: Fossil Hominids ORDER: Fossil Hominids FAMILY: Fossil Hominidae Origin: Koobi Fora, Lake Turkana, Kenya 2.3 - 1.6 mya
*Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in)
Cro-Magnon Skull
Cro-Magnons are recognized as the earliest know race of modern humans, Homo sapiens. Generally considered the earliest European descendants, Cro-Magnons lived between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago. The first Cro-Magnon specimens were discovered in France in 1868 along with many sophisticated tools, artifacts and cave paintings. Cro-Magnons are credited with creating the first calendar nearly 34,000 years ago.
*Skull Length: 20 cm (7.9 in)
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Smilodon fatalis., Excavated from the famous La Brea Tar Pits, this specimen represents one of the largest, most complete saber-toothed cats ever found. This specimen's impressive canines measure 6.5" (16.5cm) long. This Pleistocene predator hunted by ambushing large mammals, slashing them with its canines, then following the animal till it bled to death. This species was also prone to scavenging dead and dying prey, which ultimately brought many of its kind to meet their fate in the tar pits. The saber-toothed cat became extinct over 10,000 years ago as its prey became more and more scarce due to human competition. This specimen is available in the "Tar Pit" finish as well as the natural bone color.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carnivora FAMILY: Felidae Origin: North & South America
*Wood base available for $25
African Juvenile Elephant right upper molar replica
Loxodonta africana, Africa Central, Eastern, and south.
7" x 5" x 2"
Predator Footprint Replica Plaque
This predator footprint set includes life-size tracks from five common North American predators including; gray fox, coyote, gray wolf, bobcat and cougar. Cast from actual animal feet in durable polyurethane resin. This is an excellent piece for teaching tracking skills, nature signs, or mammalogy.
Plaque Measurements: 29.5 x 23cm.
American Pronghorn Hind foot Replica
Antilocarpa americana.
ARTIODACTYL. Single genus/species. N America grasslands and deserts.
American Pronghorn Fore Foot Replica
Antilocarpa americana.
Antilocarpa americana. N America grasslands and deserts.
FOREFOOT, 31.4cm/12.4in.
SW Amerind Skull, Cradle-flattened cranium back.
*Measurements: 7 3/4 in.
*Polyurethane replica
Homo erectus.,Peking Man Skull - Modeled after the 1995 reconstruction of Peking Man created by Sawyer and Tattersall of the American Museum of Natural History, this Homo erectus skull is based on fossils of several individuals found in the caves at Zhoukoudian, China. It represents a complete male erectus skull dating from 500,000 years ago.
*Skull Length: 21.5 cm (8.5 in)
Australopithecus africanus., designated STS 5, was discovered by Robert Broom and John T. Robinson in Sterkfontein, Transvaal, South Africa in 1947. Although originally considered female, study of the roots of the canine teeth has cast serious doubt on it's gender, leading most to believe it is,in fact, from a sub-adult male instead.
*Skull Length: 19 cm (7.5 in)
Austrolopithecus afarensis., Lucy is, quite possibly, the most well-known fossil hominid. Discovered by Donald Johanson and Tom Gray in 1974 at Hadar, Ethiopia, Lucy is dated at 3.2 million years old. This specimen, a 40% complete skeleton of an adult female, gave sufficient evidence that A. afarensis was a bipedal species that walked upright. Lucy, scientifically known as AL 288-1, was named after the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
*Skull Lengh 7.2in.
KNM ER 1470 Skull - First discovered in Koobi Fora, Kenya is 1972, Homo rudolphensis has consistently been the subject for debate. Many anthropologists believe this specimen to belong to the Australopithecine genus while some favor Homo habilis as its species. There are many features used to distinguish this sole specimen (KNM ER 1470) from both of these groups, but a consensus has yet to be reached.
*Specifications: CLASS: Fossil Hominids ORDER: Fossil Hominids FAMILY: Fossil Hominidae Origin: Kenya
*Skull Lenght 7.3in.
Australopithecus aethiopicus, widely thought to be the ancestor of A. robustus and A. boisei, is considered to be the link between A. afarensis and A. boisei. The most well known of the few fossil finds of this species is the famous KNM-WT 1700, or "Black Skull", from Lake Turkana, Kenya. This species, originally designated as Paraustralopithecus aethiopicus, was first discovered in 1967 on the Omo River of Ethiopia.
*Skull Length: 8.6in.
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Aegyptopithecus Skull Replica
Aegyptopithecus zeuxis., Aegyptopithecus zeuxis was discovered in Egypt in the early 1900’s. Aged at 33 million years old, Aegyptopithecus existed during the Oligocene epoch. At this time, the area now known as Egypt was a lush tropical forest. Based on dental and physiological morphology, it is believed that Aegyptopithecus was an arboreal species that fed on fruits and other soft plant parts in the treetops. This early primate, sometimes called the “Dawn Ape”, exhibited both ape and monkey characteristics and is thought to be the earliest known ancestor to the old world apes. Other Names: "Dawn Ape"
* Skull Length: 10 cm (3.9 in)
Aardwolf Proteles Cristatus Skull Replica
The aardwolf is the smallest member of the hyena family Hyaenidae. Unlike its larger carnivorous and scavenging cousins, the aardwolf is an insectivore, existing mainly on termites. Externally, aardwolves resemble hyenas, but their skull characteristics and dentition are very different. This resident of Sub-Sahara Africa prefers open sandy plains and bush country.
Specifications: Average Skull Length: 137mm/5.4in.
Aardvark Orycteropodidae Skull Replica
230mm/9.1in. Only living species. Central and lower Africa. Feeds on termites and ants. Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Tubulidentata Family: Orycteropodidae Genus: Orycteropus
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Phataginus tricuspis., is one of eight extant species of pangolins ("scaly anteaters"), and is native to equatorial Africa. Also known as the white-bellied pangolin or three-cusped pangolin, it is the most common of the African forest pangolins.
*Specifications: Class: Mammalia Order: Pholidota Family: Manidae
*Skull Length 3in.
Manis javanica.,This species is native to the Indomalayan region of Southeast Asia. Pangolins are unique mammals covered in though keratin scales. This species is nocturnal and solitary, but has been observed in pairs during breeding. Pangolins possess an extremely long tongue used for feeding on ants and termites. The Malayan pangolin is also equipped with a set of impressive claws that can be used for defense and to aid in digging burrows and for food.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Pholidota FAMILY: Manidae Origin: Southeast Asia
*Skull Length: 8.3 cm (3.3 in)