The Yukon wolf (Canis lupus pambasileus), also known as the autocrat timber wolf or interior Alaskan wolf is a possible subspecies of gray wolf native to the Alaska Interior and Yukon, save for the tundra region of the Arctic Coast. It was first described as a distinct subspecies in 1905 by Daniel Elliot, who described it as being larger in skull and tooth proportions than C. l. occidentalis, and of ranging from black to white or a mix of both in color.
Order: Carnivora Family: Canidae Genus: Canis Species: C. lupus Subspecies: C. l. pambasileus.
*Skull Length 285mm/11.2in.
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Synthetoceras Skull. Synthetoceras tricornatus. With horns. No Mandible. Early Miocene to Late Pliocene.
Polyurethane cast of an original University of California Berkeley fossil specimen.
* Size: 23.5 inch (59.7cm)
*Synthetoceras tricornatus is a large, extinct protocertid artiodactyl, endemic to North America from the Miocene epoch, 13.6—5.33 Ma, existing for approximately 8.27 million years.With a length of 2 m (6 ft 8 in), Synthetoceras was the largest member of its family. It was also the last, and had what is considered to be the protoceratids' strangest set of horns.
Buceros bicornis.,The Indian hornbill, standing nearly 4 feet tall, is the largest hornbill species. Native to the Malaysian peninsula and regions of India, this omnivore feeds on fruits, insects, and small vertebrates. This species , like most hornbills, has a unique nesting habit. The female encloses herself within a hallow tree where she will incubate their eggs and care for the hatchlings. She relies entirely on the male to provide food for her and their young.
*Specifications: CLASS: Aves ORDER: Coraciiformes FAMILY: Bucerotidae Origin: South and East Asia
*Skull Length: 30 cm (11.8 in)
Black-casqued Hornbill Skull Replica - female
Ceratogymna atrata., Black-casqued Hornbill Female.
Specifications: CLASS: Aves ORDER: Coraciiformes FAMILY: Bucerotidae
Skull size 6.10in.x2.1in.x2.7in.Polyurethane replica
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Tockus nasutus., is a member of the hornbill family of tropical near-passerine birds found in the Old World. It is a widespread and common resident breeder in much of sub-Saharan Africa and into Arabia.
*Skull size 4.11inx1.5in.x 1.3in.
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California Condor Skull Replica
Gymnogyps californianus. The California condor, once near extinction, is now recovering due to captive breeding and release programs. Historically, this species was found throughout southwestern North America. Today, monitored populations occur in southern California, and portions of the grand canyon. This large bird has a wingspan reaching over 9 feet. Condors, like most vultures, are scavengers with a diet consisting almost exclusively of carrion.
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Bos taurus,The domestic bovine, also commonly known as cow or cattle, can be found ranched worldwide as a source of food. In bovids, "cow" usually denotes a female. However, in the case of domestic cattle, "cow" can be used to refer to both males and females. Cattle are grazers feeding on a variety of grains and vegetation. Domestic cattle descended from the Aurochs, an ancient wild bovine from Asia and Europe. Remains of domesticated cattle have been found dating back to 6,500 B.C.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Bovidae
*Skull 21.4in.
Sus scrofa., The domestic Pig, also known as swine, wild boar or feral hog, descended from introductions of Eurasian wild hogs. Pigs are believed to have been domesticated in Asia between 7000 and 10,000 years ago.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Suidae Origin: World Wide
*Skull Length: 30 cm (11.8 in)
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Ovibos moschatus.,The Musk Ox, named for the musky odor emitted by the males of this species, once ranged over much of Asia and North America. Now this prehistoric left-over is mainly inhabits regions of the arctic within Canada and Greenland. Historically, and before being hunted to extirpation, Alaska also supported populations of Musk Ox. Although a member of the Bovidae family, the Musk Ox is not a true "ox" but are more closely related to sheep. This gregarious (herd-dwelling) species grazes on grasses, reeds, sedges, and other arctic ground plants. Musk Ox, when threatened, will form a circle around the herd's young. With their stocky build and massive horns as a primary ring of defense, there are few predators capable of preying on this species.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Bovidae Origin: North America
* Skull Replica Length: 45 cm (17.7 in) Average Horn Length: 60 cm (23.6 in)
Hylochoerus meinertzhageni., The giant forest hog, native to forests of equatorial Africa, was not known to taxonomists until the early 1900’s. This large swine feeds on a variety of plant material as well as insects, grubs and sometimes carrion. Little is known about this species due to it inhabiting areas not populated by humans.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Suidae Origin: Africa
*Skull Length: 48 cm (18.9 in)
Hippopotamus amphibius.,The hippopotamus is found in the river systems throughout much of central Africa. Hippos spend much of the day socializing in the water, but come ashore to feed at night. This large aquatic herbivore can be aggressive when protecting its territory. The hippopotamus contributes to more human deaths in Africa than lions, crocodiles and venomous snakes combined.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Hippopotamidae Origin: Africa
* Length: 28.8in.
Additional Shipping Charges Apply to This Product Due To Size & Weight. Please call 845-368-3466 prior to ordering.
Giraffe camelopardalis., The giraffe, reaching heights up to nineteen feet, is the tallest terrestrial animal living today. Native to Africa, the giraffe feeds on leaves that are out of reach of most other herbivores. In addition, their long tongue allows the giraffe to delicately pluck foliage from amongst the sharp thorns of the Acacia tree. The horns of the giraffe are bumpy hair covered knobs that grow slowly throughout the animals life. This is a replica, cast from an original.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Giraffidae Origin: Africa
*Skull Length: 70 cm (27.6 in)
American Elk Skull Replica
Cervus canadensis, The American elk, also known as Wapiti after the Algonquin word for "white rump", is found through much of the western North America with scattered populations in the north and eastern. Elk are strict herbivores and will graze of grasses as well as browsing on shrubs and saplings. Once considered to be the same species as the European red deer, Cervus elaphus, the American elk is now recognized as its own unique species. Other Names: Wapiti
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Cervidae Origin: North America
Dim: 452mm/17.8in.
Sylvicapra grimmia, The duiker, also called the gray duiker, is found throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa. This species, like all duikers, is an herbivorous browser feeding on a variety of leaves, berries and roots. Only male duikers possess horns, which are used in defending territory and when sparing for mates.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Bovidae Origin: Africa
*Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in) Average Horn Length: 5.1
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Bay Duiker Skull
Cephalophus dorsalis,The bay duiker, sometimes called the black-backed duiker, is native to the forests of Western and Central Africa. This nocturnal species is typically solitary except when breeding. Like most Bovids, duikers are primarily herbivorous, but this species has been observed feeding on birds, eggs and carrion. Main predators for the bay duiker include leopards, civets, crocodiles and occasionally bonobo.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Bovidae Origin: Africa
*Skull Length: 8.7
Hydropotes inermis.,The Chinese water deer is a small cervid, native to regions of China, Southeast Asia and has been introduced in Europe. Unlike many deer species, the water deer males do not grow antlers. Instead, they develop long saber-like canines. These are used in display and in dominance battles with other males. The water deer is a browser feeding mostly on leaves, berries, saplings and other plant parts.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Cervidae Origin: Asia
*Skull Length: 17 cm (6.7 in)
Chinese Water Deer Skull Replica (Female)
Hydropotes inermis., The Chinese water deer is a small cervid, native to regions of China, Southeast Asia and has been introduced in Europe. Unlike many deer species, the water deer males do not grow antlers. Instead, they develop long saber-like canines. These are used in display and in dominance battles with other males. The water deer is a browser feeding mostly on leaves, berries, saplings and other plant parts.
* Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Cervidae Origin: Asia
*Skull Length: 7.1in.
Dromedary Camel Skull Replica
Camelus dromedarius.,The Dromedary camel, originally native to northern Africa and the Middle East, has been introduced throughout the world with large feral populations in Australia. The Dromedary camel has a single large hump on its back that is used to store fat. Dromedary camels are specifically adapted to life in the desert with their large padded feet for walking in sand and their ability to go long periods without water. Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Camelidae Origin: Old World
*Skull Length: 46 cm (18.1 in)
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Giant Bison Skull. Bison latifrons. Pleistocene bovida of North American grasslands.The American and European bison are the largest terrestrial mammals in North America and Europe. Like their cattle relatives, bison are nomadic grazers and travel in herds, except for the non-dominant bulls, which travel alone or in small groups during most of the year.
*Polyurethane cast of an original Idaho Museum of National History specimen.
* Size: 29 inch (74cm) * Horn span: 7.2ft. (2.2m)
* Light Brown or Dark Brown Color.
Additional Shipping Charges Apply Due To Size And Weight. Please call 845-368-3466 prior to ordering.
Bison bison.,The American Bison, also known as the buffalo, once numbered in the millions across North America. The bison was nearly hunted to extinction during the late 1800s. Due to protective legislation in the early 1900's, wild herds made a strong comeback. Bison are now considered a domesticated species and are commercially breed as livestock throughout the US. This product is available with or without the mandible.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Bovidae
*Skull Length: 58 cm (22.8 in) Skull Width: 28 cm (11.0 in) Horn Length - Tip to Tip: 36 cm (14.2 in
Please e-mail your delivery address to info@dinosaursrock.com for an accurate shipping quote on this item.
American Pronghorn Skull Replica
Antilocarpra americana.,The Pronghorn is sometimes considered a living fossil. It shows many primitive traits. Perhaps the most obvious primitive attribute is in that pronghorns shed their horns yearly just like a deer. It is the only living horned animal that does this. Other Names: "Prong Buck", "Pronghorn Antelope"
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Antilocapridae Origin: North America.
*Skull Length: 27 cm (10.6 in) Horn Length: 7.9.
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Metoposaur Skull
Scientific Name: Metoposaurus diagnosticus krasiejowensis Location: Poland
Formation: Drawno Beds
Age: Late Triassic, 225 MYA
Specimen: Private
15″L x 11″W
Shipping costs are estimates and may change based on your location, size and weight of item ordered.
Dicynodont Skull replica with base
Scientific Name: Dicynodont lacerticeps
Location: South Africa
Age: Late Permian 252 MYA
8″ L
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Dunkleosteus Skull replica with Trunk Armor and armature
Scientific Name: Dunkleosteus marsaisi
Location: Morocco, North Africa
Age: Devonian
L 41” x H 25”
Specimen: Private
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