Balaenoptera acutorostra., - The minke whale, one of the smaller baleen whales, only reaches a length of 35' (10.6 M). Ranging throughout the cooler waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans, the minke whale feeds on krill and small schooling fish. Hunting of the minke during the 20th century has lead to their decline. This species is now internationally protected.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Balaenopteridae Origin: Worldwide
* Skull Length: 152 cm (59.8 in) Skull Width: 74 cm (29.1 in) Average Skull Height: 41 cm (16.1 in)
This specimen requires crating and additional shipping charges die to weight and size. Please call 845-368-3466 prior to ordering.
Orcinus orca.,- The killer whale, also known as the orca, is found throughout most of the worlds oceans and is considered to be the widest spread cetacean. The killer whale received its name from it predacious hunting skills. Killer whales feed on seals, fish, sea turtles, and large baleen whales. Although killer whales are not endangered, populations have declined due to pollution, ship traffic and reduced prey availability.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae Origin: Oceans World Wide.
Skull Length: 87 cm (34.3 in) Skull Width: 53 cm (20.9 in) Skull Height: 35.5 cm (14.0 in) *
Polyurathane replica from the real skull.
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
False Killer Whale Skull Replica
Pseudorca crassidens.,The false killer whale received its name from its similarity in appearance to the "true" killer whale, the orca. False killer whales are found throughout many of the worlds warm and temperate oceans. This species was only known from fossil records and thought to be extinct until 1861 when a pod stranded in Germany. This gregarious species typically swims in pods of 10 to 20 individuals.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae
*Skull Length: 24.2 in.
*Polyurethane replica
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Beluga Whale Skull Replica
Delphinapterus leucas - The Beluga whale is a small white whale measuring 9 to 15 feet in length. Belugas are found throughout the Arctic Ocean and in a few other isolated populations. Belugas were once heavily hunted for their meat, hide (for leather) and oil.
Skull Length: 50cm. 19.6in.
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Beluga Whale Disarticulated Skeleton Replica
Delphinapterus leucas - The Beluga whale is a small white whale measuring 9 to 15 feet in length. Belugas are found throughout the Arctic Ocean and in a few other isolated populations. Belugas were once heavily hunted for their meat, hide (for leather) and oil. *Disarticulated skeleton
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Beluga Skeleton Articulated Skeleton Replica
Delphinapterus leucas - The Beluga whale is a small white whale measuring 9 to 15 feet in length. Belugas are found throughout the Arctic Ocean and in a few other isolated populations. Belugas were once heavily hunted for their meat, hide (for leather) and oil.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Monodontidae Origin: Northern Oceans Diet: Carnivore
Skull Length: 50 cm (19.7 in) Skull Width: 27.94 cm (11.0 in) Skull Height: 22.86 cm (9.0 in)
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Baird's Beaked Whale Male Skull Replica
Berardius bairdii ; The Baird's beaked whale is found in the northern Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan and the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Specimens have been recorded as far north as the Bering Sea and as far south as the Baja California peninsula. This species, the largest of the beaked whales, has an estimated population around 30,000 individuals. This species is named for Spencer Fullerton Baird, a past Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute. Specifications:
CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Ziphiidae Origin: Pacific Ocean
Skull Length: 150 cm\.79x51.cm.(59.1in.x31x20in.)
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Sotalia fluviatilis., Also called the Tucuxi, the Tucuxi Gray River Dolphin is native to the Amazon and most of its tributaries. A marine subspecies also occurs along the Atlantic coast of Central and South America. This is a small species of dolphin, weighing only 120 lbs (55kg). The Tucuxi Gray River Dolphin feeds on various small crustaceans, squid and fish.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae Origin: South America
*Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in)
*Polyurethane replica
Delphimus delphis.,The Short-beaked common dolphin, once considered a sub-species of the Long-beaked common dolphin, inhabits most of the world’s oceans and seas with a few exceptions. This species feeds on a variety of small fish including squid, herring and sardines.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae
*Skull Lenght: 39cm./15.4in.
*Polyurethane replica from the real speciment.
Granpus griseus The Risso's dolphin, also called the Grampus dolphin, has a large range occurring in many of the world's oceans and seas. This species is gregarious, congregating in pods usually numbering 10 to 40 individuals. These congregations often include other cetacean species. Other Names: Grampus
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans .
*Skull Length: 56 cm (22.0 in)
*Polyurethane replica
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens., Pacific White-sided Dolphin Skull - This gregarious species ranges throughout much of the temperate Pacific Ocean. This species can be found in groups numbering 10 to 100 individuals and occasionally intermingle with Risso's and Northern Right whale dolphins. This carnivore feeds primarily on cephalopods and schooling fish such as herring, anchovies, and sardines.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans
*Skull Length: 39 cm (15.4 in)
Indus River Dolphin Skull Replica
Platanista minor., The Indus river dolphin is native to a small region of the Indus river system of Pakistan. Although this species is somewhat smaller than the Ganges dolphin and possesses several unique skull characteristics, it is considered by some taxonomist as simply a subspecies of the Ganges dolphin. The Indus river dolphin feeds on a variety of fresh water fish, resulting in many fishing net entanglements. This, along with pollution and increased human activity has led to a severe decline in this species population. In 2001 a survey concluded only 1000 individuals remain.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Platanistidae Origin: Pakistan
Skull Length: 36.8 cm (14.5 in)
*polyurethane replica
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Bottle Nosed Dolphin Skull Replica
19.3" skull replica of polyurethane. Tursiops truncatus., The bottle-nosed dolphin is probably the best known Cetacean. The bottle-nosed dolphin is found throughout most of the worlds oceans. This species, like most dolphins, uses an advanced sonar system for locating, and sometimes confusing, prey fish. Considerably intelligent, the bottle-nosed dolphin has been trained to perform in parks, on television and for military uses.Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Amazon River Dolphin Skull Replica
Inia geoffrensis.,The Amazon river dolphin, as its name would suggest, occurs throughout the Amazon and many of its tributaries. This species ranges in two color forms from gray to pink. Legends from local indigenous people hold the pink form of this species as sacred and often blame it for "immaculate" conceptions. Amazon dolphins are one of four species of fresh water dolphins found in the tropics of South America and Asia. 18.9" Polyurethane replica.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Iniidae Origin: South America
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
kogia breviceps , was once thought to be a larger form of the dwarf sperm whale, kogia simus . Now accepted as a distinct species, the pygmy sperm whale is found throughout much of the worlds tropical and temperate oceans. This species, as well as the sperm whale and the dwarf sperm whale, possesses a spermaceti organ from which it gets its name. This species feeds on squid crustaceans and small fish.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Physeteridae Origin: World Wide Diet: Carnivore
Skeleton Length: 107in.
Additional shipping required for this specimen due to crating and weight & size. Please call 845-368-3466 prior to ordering.
The Moose (North America) or Elk (Europe). Alces alces, is the largest extant species in the deer family in North America.
Polyurethane cast of an original . 61cm/24in.
Caribou - Reindeer Skull Replica w/Antlers & Stand
Polyurethane cast. 408 x 174 x 172mm / 16.1 x 6.9 x 6.8in.
Antler Pair 96 x 74 x 61m. / 37.8 x 29.0 x 24.0in. span, With stand.
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Asian Palm Civet Female Skull Replica
Nandinia binotata.,The Asian palm civet ranges in Southeast Asia from Kashmir and southern China to the Philippine and Sundas Islands. This small carnivore is a member of the Viverridae family. The Asian palm civet inhabits tropical rainforests where it forages for food at night. This species is known to feed on berries, fruits, small vertebrates and insects.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carnivora FAMILY: Viverridae Origin: Asia.
Skull dim. 99mm/3.9in.
African Civet Male Skull Replica
Civettictis civetta.,The African civet inhabits the savannahs and the forests of southern and central Africa. The African civet is omnivorous, consuming fruit, carrion, rodents, insects, eggs, reptiles, and birds. Civettictis civetta is predominately a nocturnal species, but is sometimes active in the morning or afternoon on cloudy days.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carnivora FAMILY: Viverridae Origin: Africa
* Skull dim. 159mm/6.3in.
Helarctos malayanus., Sun Bears are found in Southern Asia, they are the smallest of all bears and exist on omnivorous diets gathered mainly at night. Sun Bears do not hibernate.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carnivora FAMILY: Ursidae Origin: Asia
* Skull Length: 10.4in.x6.9in.
Ursus ursinus.,The Sloth Bear found in India, Nepal, Bangladesh. Feeds primarily on termites. Its nose and lips are modified for more efficient consumption of termites. They are also missing the two upper central incisors, exclusively for this purpose. Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carnivora FAMILY: Ursidae Origin: Asia
Skull Length: 34 cm (13.4 in)
*Polyurethane cast
Ursus maritimus., Polar Bears are extremely large predators and dangerous to humans. Often found on ice flows they lead a very nomadic life. This particular specimen is considered to be the second largest skull ever found.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carnivora FAMILY: Ursidae Origin: North America
*Skull Length: 16in.x9.6in.x6.8in.
Polyurethane replica from the original specimen from a private collection.
Kodiak Grizzly Bear Skull Replica
Ursus arctos., Kodiak Bear is the largest of all the brown bears of the Alaskan coast and islands, which weight up to 680 kilogram. Also called Big Brown. These giants fatten on everything from mountain blueberries to washed-up whale carcasses, but their particular prey is the big Pacific Salmon.Few Kodiak bears have been weighed in the wild, so some of the weights are estimates. Size range for females is from 225 kg (500 lbs) to 315 kg (700 lbs) and for males 360 kg (800 lbs) to 635 kg (1400 lbs).[2] Mature males average 480–533 kg (1,058–1,175 lb) over the course of the year and can weigh up to 680 kg (1500 lbs) at peak times. Females are typically about 20% smaller and 30% lighter than males and adult sizes are attained when bears are 6 years old.
*Skull Length 17in.
*Polyurethane cast form the original Specimen of California Academy of Sciences.
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Grizzly Bear Skull Replica
Ursus artos horribilis., The grizzly bear is a subspecies of the North American brown bear. Grizzly bears are found throughout much of inland Alaska, portions of northern and western Canada, as well as isolated regions in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. The grizzly is a large carnivore weighing up to 750 lbs. This species feeds on large prey such as moose, elk, and deer in addition to carrion and smaller mammals. Other Names: "Kodiak Bear "
* Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carnivora FAMILY: Ursidae Origin: North America
*Skull Lengh 14.5in.
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