Mammals - Skulls & Skeletons

Short-finned Pilot Whale Skull Replica

Globiocephala macrorhynchus.,Short-finned Pilot Whale Skull - The short-finned pilot whale is found throughout most of the tropical and temperate waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The diet of this cetacean consists almost exclusively of squid. Short-finned pilot whales swim in groups called pods that usually number 10 to 50 individuals. This species is nearly indistinguishable from its relative the long-finned pilot whale. Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae Origin: Tropical and Temperate Oceans Info About Tooth Count Diet: Carnivore

* Skull Length: 56 cm (22.0 in)

Oversize box may be required for this specimen.  Please call 845-368-3466 prior to ordering.  Additional shipping charges may apply.

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