A great place to start creating your own Museum collection. From Genuine AMBER to Fossil Dinosaur Bone, Petrified Wood, Ammonites, Dinosaur Teeth, Trilobites and lots more.
FREE SHIPPING! This amber polishing kit includes 25 rough genuine fossil amber specimens, sandpaper plus complete easy-to-follow instructions...BONUS: This kit also includes You'll receive 1 Genuine Amber specimen with a plant or insect inclusion (1"-2" specimen) guaranteed. Plus 25 pieces of rough amber for this hands-on classroom or party activity. This is an exciting classroom fossil activity our camp nature activity which enables kids to learn about fossils while doing a fun hands-on activity. Students or campers polish the rough amber with sandpaper and water, trying to find possible plant or insect "inclusions." - Note we cannot guarantee that there will be insect or plant life within the rough amber - it's always a surprise! Amber is fossilized tree sap and often, plant or insect material got trapped inside, millions of years ago and fossilized over time. Polished amber is often used to make eye-catching jewelry. Complete instructions included, or watch the video below.