Granite rock samples. 10 specimens. Call 1-800-411-DINO (3466) for volume discounts. Granite is the signature rock of the continents. More than that, granite is the signature rock of the planet Earth itself.
Gypsum Rock Samples. 10 sample specimens. Call 1-800-411-DINO (3466) for volume discounts.
Rock Gypsum is a sedimentary rock in the class known as chemical sedimentary rocks. It is formed by the evaporative deposition of gypsum from solution. It is commercially very important for the production of plaster of Paris and gypsum wallboard for house construction.
ID Chart - MOHS Hardness Scale - Rock and Mineral Collection
Great earth science resource - Chart with samples on the Mohs Hardness Scale
Includes numbers 1-9 (all except diamond)
Specific samples included are Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Fluorite, Apatite, Feldspar, Quartz, Topaz, Corundum
Wonderful for Science Fair presentations on Rocks, Minerals or Geology
The chart measures 8 1/2" x 5 1/4" with samples affixed to a sturdy card with ziplock protective plastic covering
Includes 9 genuine rocks/minerals/gemstones that are one through nine on the Mohs Hardness Scale. The Moh's scale of mineral hardness characterizes the scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of a harder material to scratch a softer material. It was created in 1812 by the German geologist and mineralogist Friedrich Mohs and is one of several definitions of hardness in materials science.
Set of 6 Amazing 30 million year old genuine Moroccan fossil shark teeth. Lamna Oblique teeth from Morocco. Approx 3/4"-1". Ask about volume discounts.
This Marble Cone Seashell is imported straight from the Indo-Pacific area. Each seashell is real and is not artificially painted in any way. Each shell is hand-picked per order. Size and shape may vary. 3"-4"
Marble Rock Samples. 10 specimens of this Metamorphic rock. Call 1-800-411-DINO (3466) for volume discounts.
Marbles are used principally for buildings and monuments, interior decoration, statuary, table tops, and novelties.
Mica Rock Samples. 10 specimens. Call 1-800-411-DINO (3466) for volume discounts.
Mica is a mineral name given to a group of minerals that are similar in their physical properties and chemical compositions. They are all silicate minerals, which means that chemically they all contain silica(SiO4). Mineralogists call micas sheet silicates because their molecules combine to form distinct layers. These layers can be seen in muscovite mica specimens because it can be split (mineralogists call this feature cleavage) into very thin, flexible, transparent layers. This physical property is so distinctive that all minerals that cleave in this fashion are said to have micaceous cleavage.
Mini Brazilian Polished Agate Stones - 1/2 pound - Hundreds
Colorful array of mini polished stones - perfect creative way to fill vases or for use in art projects. Hundreds of glittery real polished Brazilian stones per pound.
Genuine Mosasaur Teeth from Morocco. Set of 3 teeth from this amazing prehistoric swimming reptile - approximately 1/2" - 1" each. Great fossil gift or teacher classroom resource.
1" chunks of Obsidian. If you love to play the game Minecraft then you will love this genuine OBSIDIAN you can get right here. You get 3 rough snowflake obsidian stones for only 9.95.
Orthoceras Sea Squid (Genuine) Fossils by the pound
1 pound of Orthoceras Sea Squid Bulk Sample Fossils. Genuine educational fossils. One of our earth science resources. Great for simulated fossil dig. Among the best fossils for kids. Approx. 60 pcs. per pound. For quantity discounts or Wholesale pricing, please call 800-411-3466
Pink Gastropod Shells (Genuine) Bulk Sample FOSSILS. Genuine educational fossils. One of our earth science resources. Great for simulated fossil dig. Among the best fossils for kids. 1 lb - Approx. 50 pieces per pound. For quantity discounts and Wholesale pricing, call 800-411-3466
Variety of Polished Agates (Genuine) Bulk ample Minerals from Brazil. One of our earth science resources. Great for simulated gemstone mining or crystal mining. Among the favorite minerals for kids. 1 lb - Approx. 50 pcs. per pound.
For quantity discounts and Wholesale pricing, call 800-411-3466