Bactrian Camel Adult Male Skull Replica
Camelus bactrianus.
The Bactrian camel is a large, even-toed ungulate native to the steppes of Central Asia. It has two humps on its back, in contrast to the single-humped dromedary camel.
Skull Dim. 58.4cm / 23in
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Baikal Seal Skull Replica
Phoca sibirica. The Baikal seals are endemic to Lake Baikal in Siberia and is the only seal restricted to fresh water. Baikal seals are carnivores primarily eating noncommercial fish species. Baikal seals are solitary animals, but several seals may congregate and share access holes in the ice.
Skull Length.159mm/6.3in.
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Baird's Beaked Whale Male Skull Replica
Berardius bairdii ; The Baird's beaked whale is found in the northern Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan and the southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Specimens have been recorded as far north as the Bering Sea and as far south as the Baja California peninsula. This species, the largest of the beaked whales, has an estimated population around 30,000 individuals. This species is named for Spencer Fullerton Baird, a past Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute. Specifications:
CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Ziphiidae Origin: Pacific Ocean
Skull Length: 150 cm\.79x51.cm.(59.1in.x31x20in.)
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Baird's Tapir Skull Replica
Baird's Tapir, Tapirus bairdii, Like the other members of this genus, is indigenious to wooded or grassy areas with permanent water supply in southern Mexico to Columbia, and Ecuador west of the Andes.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Perissodactyla FAMILY: Tapiridae Origin: South America.
*Skull Length: 34 cm (13.4 in)
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Bay Duiker Skull
Cephalophus dorsalis,The bay duiker, sometimes called the black-backed duiker, is native to the forests of Western and Central Africa. This nocturnal species is typically solitary except when breeding. Like most Bovids, duikers are primarily herbivorous, but this species has been observed feeding on birds, eggs and carrion. Main predators for the bay duiker include leopards, civets, crocodiles and occasionally bonobo.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Artiodactyla FAMILY: Bovidae Origin: Africa
*Skull Length: 8.7
Erignathus barbatus., The bearded seal inhabits the cold waters of the Arctic, northern Atlantic and northern Pacific oceans. This species is primarily solitary, spending much of its existence on ice flows and hunting. Using its sensitive beard-like whiskers to locate bottom dwelling prey, this carnivore feeds on fish as well as a variety of crustaceans and bivalves. A lifetime of biting the hard exoskeletons of its prey leads to significant tooth wear in adult specimens. Primary predators of the bearded seal include polar bears and humans.
CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carnivora FAMILY: Phocidae Origin: Arctic Ocean
*Skull Length: 21 cm (8.3 in)
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Beluga Skeleton Articulated Skeleton Replica
Delphinapterus leucas - The Beluga whale is a small white whale measuring 9 to 15 feet in length. Belugas are found throughout the Arctic Ocean and in a few other isolated populations. Belugas were once heavily hunted for their meat, hide (for leather) and oil.
*Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Monodontidae Origin: Northern Oceans Diet: Carnivore
Skull Length: 50 cm (19.7 in) Skull Width: 27.94 cm (11.0 in) Skull Height: 22.86 cm (9.0 in)
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Beluga Whale Disarticulated Skeleton Replica
Delphinapterus leucas - The Beluga whale is a small white whale measuring 9 to 15 feet in length. Belugas are found throughout the Arctic Ocean and in a few other isolated populations. Belugas were once heavily hunted for their meat, hide (for leather) and oil. *Disarticulated skeleton
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Beluga Whale Skull Replica
Delphinapterus leucas - The Beluga whale is a small white whale measuring 9 to 15 feet in length. Belugas are found throughout the Arctic Ocean and in a few other isolated populations. Belugas were once heavily hunted for their meat, hide (for leather) and oil.
Skull Length: 50cm. 19.6in.
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Bison Skull replica with stand
Scientific Name: Bison priscus
Location: Alaska USA
Age: Pleistocene, 50,000 Years,
Private specimen
48″W x31″L
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Black Bear Skull Replica (Record Size)
Ursus americanus californiensis. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a medium-sized bear native to North America. It is the continent's smallest and most widely distributed bear species. Black bears are omnivores with their diets varying greatly depending on season and location. They typically live in largely forested areas, but do leave forests in search of food. Sometimes they become attracted to human communities because of the immediate availability of food.
*Skull Measurement 14.2in.x9in.x6.5in.
*Polyurethane cast from the Original Speciment of California Academy of Sciences Dep of Ornithology & Mammology Collection.
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Black Rhinoceros Skull Replica with horns made of polyurethane resin. The black rhinoceros once ranged over much of Sub-Saharan Africa. Due to recent over hunting for its horn, this species is now only found in a handful of preserves with populations estimated around 3600 individuals. The black rhino is listed as endangered but thanks to anti-poaching and captive breeding efforts, this species numbers have been increasing. Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Perissodactyla FAMILY: Rhinocerotidae Origin: Africa.
Skull Length: 57 cm (22.4 in)
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Black-casqued Hornbill Skull Replica - female
Ceratogymna atrata., Black-casqued Hornbill Female.
Specifications: CLASS: Aves ORDER: Coraciiformes FAMILY: Bucerotidae
Skull size 6.10in.x2.1in.x2.7in.Polyurethane replica
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Bone Crushing Dog Skull No Base
Scientific Name: Borophagus secundus
Location: Hemphill County, Texas
Formation: Ogallala
Age: Late Miocene, 5.5 MYA
L 8.5”
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Bottle Nosed Dolphin Skull Replica
19.3" skull replica of polyurethane. Tursiops truncatus., The bottle-nosed dolphin is probably the best known Cetacean. The bottle-nosed dolphin is found throughout most of the worlds oceans. This species, like most dolphins, uses an advanced sonar system for locating, and sometimes confusing, prey fish. Considerably intelligent, the bottle-nosed dolphin has been trained to perform in parks, on television and for military uses.Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae
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Geospiza conirostris., is a species of bird in the tanager family Thraupidae. It is one of Darwin's finches, and is endemic to the Galápagos islands, Ecuador, where it is restricted to Española, Genovesa, Darwin, and Wolf Islands. This rather dark bird resembles the smaller and finer-beaked common cactus finch, but the two species do not co-inhabit any island.$175.00
California Condor Skull Replica
Gymnogyps californianus. The California condor, once near extinction, is now recovering due to captive breeding and release programs. Historically, this species was found throughout southwestern North America. Today, monitored populations occur in southern California, and portions of the grand canyon. This large bird has a wingspan reaching over 9 feet. Condors, like most vultures, are scavengers with a diet consisting almost exclusively of carrion.
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California Elephant Seal Female Skull Replica
Mirounga angustirostris. Female. B C south along Pacific Coast. 330mm/13in.
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California Elephant Seal Male Skull Replica
Mirounga angustirosteis. Male. Skull, 610mm/24.0in. Phocidae. Pacific NE Asia/ N.
Oversized box required for this specimen. Additional shipping charges may apply to this specimen. Please call 845-368-3466 prior to ordering.
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California Sea Lion Adult
Zalophus californiannus. ADULT FEMALE SKULL, 227mm/8.9in. OTARIDAE.N America pacific coast.
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California Sea Lion Zalophus Californianus Male Skull Replica
Zalophus californianus. SKULL,(MALE) 300mm/11.8in. Otariidae. America Pacific coast, Vancouver Island-W Mexico.
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Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris.,The capybara is the worlds largest rodent weighing up to 80kg (176 lbs.) This semi-aquatic species is native to South America where it occupies a variety of densely vegetated habitats. Capybara are capable of running as fast as a horse and will retreat to water when threatened. Capybara are hunted for their skin, oil and meat in much of their range.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Rodentia FAMILY: Hydrochaeridae
Skull 216mm/ 8.5 in x W 4.75 in x H 4.75 in.
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Caribbean Monk Seal Skull Replica
Monachus tropicalis., West Indies and Caribbean shore areas.
*Skull 8.5in/22cm.
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Caribou - Reindeer Skull Replica w/Antlers & Stand
Polyurethane cast. 408 x 174 x 172mm / 16.1 x 6.9 x 6.8in.
Antler Pair 96 x 74 x 61m. / 37.8 x 29.0 x 24.0in. span, With stand.
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