Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaur Tooth replica. Fantastic dinosaur gift or teacher resource. 5.5" - made of sturdy resin & fiberglass.$39.99
Giant 9" inch element from the toe of one of the largest & dangerous predatory dinosaurs, the T-Rex. Cretaceous period. Montana and Alberta. This is a dinosaur fossil replica or dinosaur reproduction. One of our earth science resources and natural history museum supplies. Among the best fossil for kids. Great dinosaur gift. Made of hearty fiberglass/resin.$895.00
Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaur Foot Replica. From the Los Angeles County Museum. 65-68MYA
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
T. rex Manus Claw
Scientific Name: Tyrannosaurus rex
Formation: Lance
Location: Wyoming, USA
Age: Late Cretaceous 66 MYA
1.5” L
T. rex tooth Short (no root)
Scientific Name: Tyrannosaurus rex
Formation: Lance
Location: Wyoming, USA
Age: Late Cretaceous 66 MYA
2.5” L
Shipping costs are estimates and may change based on your location, size and weight of item ordered.
Tarbosaurus Adult Jaw Replica
Scientific name: Tarbosaurus bataar
Location: Mongolia
Formation: Nemegt
Age: Late Cretaceous, 71 MYA
L 40″
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Tarbosaurus ( Right OR Left )Foot with base Please specify in order comments
Scientific Name: Tarbosaurus bataar
Location: Mongolia
Formation: Nemegt
Age: Late Cretaceous, 71 MYA
Shipping costs are estimates and may change based on your location, size and weight of item ordered.
Tarbosaurus Pathological Toe includes 1 claw and 2 phlanges
Scientific Name: Tarbosaurus bataar
Location: Mongolia Formation: Nemegt
Age: Late Cretaceous, 71 MYA
Shipping costs are estimates and may change based on your location, size and weight of item ordered.
Small Tarbosaurus Skull Replica
Scientific Name: Tarbosaurus bataar
Location: Mongolia Formation: Nemegt
Age: Late Cretaceous, 71 MYA
Specimen: Private
30″ L
Available with neck at $4299.
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Tarbosaurus Tyrannosaur skeleton
Scientific name: Tarbosaurus Baatar
Location: Mongolia Formation: Nemegt
Age: Late Cretaceous
Specimen: private
L 22′
Shipping costs are estimates and may change based on your location, size and weight of item ordered. Please call 845-368-3466 prior to ordering.
Therizinosaur Egg Nest Replica - 12 eggs
Location: China
Age: Late Cretaceous, 83 MYA
L 16” x W 7″
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Therizinosaur hand claw
Scientific Name: Nothronychus graffami
Location: Utah, USA
Formation: Tropic Shale
Age: Cretaceous, 90 MYA
10” L
Shipping costs are estimates and may change based on your location, size and weight of item ordered.
Therizinosaur pes claw
Scientific Name: Nothronychus mckinleyi
Location: Catron County, New Mexico, USA
Formation: Moreno Hill
Age: Cretaceous, 90 MYA
L 3.5”
Therizinosaur Skeleton Nothronychus sp.
Location: Kane County, Utah, USA
Formation: Tropic Shale
Age: Late Cretaceous, 93 MYA
Specimen: Utah Museum of Natural History.
L 14′ 4″
Shipping costs are estimates and may change based on your location, size and weight of item ordered. Please call 845-368-3466 prior to ordering.
Theropod Dinosaur Egg Replica made of sturdy resin and fiberglass Fantastic gift for any dinosaur lover. Great for a classroom in earth science, paleontology, or as a geology resource. Replica cast from original fossil found in China.
Age: Late Cretaceous, 83 MYA. 5.5”
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for a shipping quote.
Theropod Dinosaur Egg replica - 7" - made of sturdy resin and fiberglass. Fantastic collectible for any dinosaur lover. Great for a classroom or teacher in earth science, paleontology, and or a geology resource. Cast from the original fossil found in China.
Age: Late Cretaceous, 83 MYA
L 7”
Theropod Egg Nest Block Replica - 10 eggs
Location: China
Age: Late Cretaceous, 83 MYA
19″ x 13″
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Theropod Egg Nest Replica - 12 eggs
Location: China
Age: Late Cretaceous, 83 MYA
21" x 21”
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
These 3 Replica Arrowheads are made from Obsidian which is a type of natural glass. Its main component is quartz (SiO2); however , it has no crystal structure. It is formed when lava cools very quickly. Obsidian solidifies as a glass because i does not have enough time for crystals to form. Obsidian was very useful to primitive man and to the American Indian because it could be chipped and fractured in any direction, making it a perfect material to shape tools and weapon points. When arrowheads were made, jasper was a favorite material to use in regions where deposits existed. Picture is representative of the three specimens you will receive. Each arrowhead is unique and will vary in shape, size and appearance. No two arrowheads will be exactly alike. These are hand carved
Replica of Triceratops Horn Replica (Single Brow). Great a classroom resource.
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Triceratops Horn replica with base
Scientific Name: Triceratops horridus
Location: Wyoming, USA
Formation: Lance
Age: Late Cretaceous, 66 MYA
L 28”
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.
Scientific Name: Phacops africanas fossil replica
Location: Morroco
Formation: Hamar Laghdad
Age: Devonian, 350 MYA
Sotalia fluviatilis., Also called the Tucuxi, the Tucuxi Gray River Dolphin is native to the Amazon and most of its tributaries. A marine subspecies also occurs along the Atlantic coast of Central and South America. This is a small species of dolphin, weighing only 120 lbs (55kg). The Tucuxi Gray River Dolphin feeds on various small crustaceans, squid and fish.
Specifications: CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Cetacea FAMILY: Delphinidae Origin: South America
*Skull Length: 33 cm (13.0 in)
*Polyurethane replica
Tyrannosaur Adult Teratophoneus Skull Replica, base included
Scientific Name: Teratophoneus curriei
Location: Utah, USA
Formation: Kaiparowits
Age: Late Cretaceous, 71 MYA
Specimen: BYU earth Science Museum
L 30″
Shipping costs are estimated and may vary based on your location. Email info@dinosaursrock.com with your zip code for shipping quote.